
(La selva and Isla de leones were recommended by the Junior Library Guild in their February 2019 selection.)

Translation Awards

Translations into Spanish

Picture Books (a selection)

More than 40 picture books —including La sombrilla grande and El día del zoológico (both translated in collaboration with my son), Oye, MuroUn pregón de frutas, Manos que bailanUn trineo para Gabo, Cuando los ángeles cantanPokko y el tamborNo se permiten elefantesRatonauta, Juana y Lucas, Cultivado en Harlem¡José! Nacido para bailarLuz para todos¡Adiós, Habana! ¡Hola, Nueva York!BilblioburroTodo el mundo, and several books from the following series: OliviaGo, Diego Go!, Dora, The Explorer, as well as from Eric Carle, and Peanuts—, published by Simon & SchusterScholasticLee & Low, Candlewick Press, Penguin Random House, and Levine Querido.

Translations into English